South China Normal University is one of the key universities in China. It is located in Guangzhou, a metropolitan city with beautiful scenery. Being adjacent to Hongkong and Macau, Guangzhou is famous for international trade. In order to thank alumni for their support in the development of College of International Culture(CIC), South China Normal University(SCNU),and to facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in the world, cultivate qualified Chinese language teachers and talented students of Chinese language, College of International Culture(hereinafter referred to as CIC) launches the “10th Anniversary Alumni Scholarship”program to provide financial aid for students, scholars and Chinese language teachers worldwide to proceed to a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) or study in Chinese Language major.
Qualified applicants
A. Alumni intend to come back to pursue Degree program. Alumni who cannot continue their study can recommend other qualified candidates. The maximum is 1.
B. Only those who apply for 2013 Autumn semester and are admitted can enjoy this scholarship.
Scholarship Category and Application Requirement
The category of Alumni scholarship of 2013 includes Scholarship for Students of Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages(MTCSOL)and Scholarship for Chinese undergraduate Students. Applicants shall be non-Chinese citizens in good health, aged between 18 and 55.
Scholarship Coverage
Scholarship winners are provided with 20% tuition fee scholarship each year during their study in CIC,SCNU. The scholarship can only be used as part of the tuition fee and cannot be cashed or transferred.
Recruitment Procedures
From the issue date of the Procedures(the deadline is June 10), applicants should log on to the website at http://www.cicgz.com, read information of majors, complete and submit Application Form online or download Application Form and complete and submit it to cic5@scnu.edu.cn,hscic7@scnu.edu.cn by email.
2. 6月30前,学院组织专家审核申请者资格及申请材料,对符合条件者择优录取,并于7月8日放假前在学院网站上公布校友奖学金获得者名单,同时知申请者本人。
CIC will organize an expert panel to exam the qualification and application materials of applicants and make the final selection by June 30th, and publish the name list of successful applicants on the CIC website by June 8th, 2013. CIC will also inform the applicants.
Application Documents
Applicants must log onto CIC website, fill out the “Application Form for international students”, and attach the electronic files of the following materials:
Photocopy of Passport Photo Page
Photocopy of HSK Result Report
Notarized highest education diplomas attained or proof of study
4.推荐信。 汉语国际教育专业硕士申请者须同时提交两名副教授以上职称导师的推荐信(用中文或英文书写)。如申请者是校友推荐的,则提供校友亲笔签名的推荐信。
Reference Letter. The Master’s Degree Scholarship applicants are required to submit reference letters provided by two professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English). If the applicant is recommended by alumni, please provide the recommendation letter signed by alumni.
5. 其他证明材料
Other materials required by CIC.
Entrance and Annual Appraisal
The scholarship winners shall register in CIC before the deadline set by CIC. Scholarships will not be kept for those who do not register on time without reasonable cause.
Scholarships will be canceled for those who cannot pass the health examination.
The scholarship winners shall be subject to an annual appraisal organized by CIC before the end of the first school year after being enrolled. Only the eligible students are entitled to continue to receive the Scholarships in the following year.
4. 本奖学金解释权归365英国上市官网。
CIC reserves the right for the explanation.
Contact Information
电话: 0086-20-85215350/85210012
电邮:hscic7@scnu.edu.cn, cic5@scnu.edu.cn
报名材料邮寄地址/ADDRESS:中国广州石牌365英国上市官网留学生办公室(邮编:510631)/International Office, College of International Culture, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.(Post Code: 510631)